Durosian Healdry

The Warrior Passes On, Neanderthal Interbreeding, Black Boxes Deep Beneath the Sea, and a T-Rex Heads to DC

This entry is part 3 of 100 in the series Today’s Tidbits

I’m kind of excited about the Smithsonian finally getting a real T-Rex. It’s even more neat because I know one of the people out in Colorado who’s on the team that’s picking it up. People I know have incredibly interesting jobs and I dig it. 🙂

In other news today, one of the classic WWE (nee WWF) wrestlers of my childhood, The Ultimate Warrior, died suddenly and unexpected, just days after being inducted into the WWE hall of fame. I haven’t watched wrestling in decades, and the Warrior has been a little “off” over the years (seriously, dude seemed pretty crazy often after he left wrestling), but he was still an impressive and driven individual who made quite the impact on the world around him.

Finally, I feel really bad for you if you didn’t make it out to see Winter Soldier (the second Captain America movie) this weekend but did watch yesterday’s episode of Agents of SHIELD. I’ve never seen a TV show so directly tied into a movie… in the middle of its first season. It managed to spoil pretty much every plot twist of Winter Soldier. Granted, it made for the best episode of the series yet, but only if you saw the movie or don’t care about spoilers.

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