Bits of Nostalgia and Nature, Some World News, and a Really Big Wombat

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Full day at the office followed by a full evening of more work on a freelance project I had hoped would be much further ahead than it is now.

This whole “burning out” thing happens much more quickly than it did 20 years ago.

What’s up with that?

Oh, yeah… human… aging… right.

Can’t run on fumes anywhere near as well as I used to. Especially now that everything I do is so much more complex than, well, anything I used to do.

So, because of all that, you get the big wombat picture.

Because that’s exactly what I needed to see first thing in the morning as I sat down at my desk.

A big, smiling, virgin wombat.

Just. Because.

Yeah, there’s also important news in the feed (like what’s going on in France right now… and the EU as a whole). And some other nostalgic stuff (it being back to school time and all).

Here, take a look for yourself at the feed…


The Doctor, The Terminator, The Panic, and The MacGuffin

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

The first thing I noted this morning as I scrolled through the first screen or so of my Facebook feed was the plethora of Doctor Who posts.

I mean, I have a lot of friends who are fans of the good Doctor, so I regularly see a few posts mentioning him every day. But this was more like a full-on Doctor totem pole with multiple posts from multiple people all stacked up. And it wasn’t a FB aggregation thing either–the posts were all reasonably recent and not always immediately adjacent to one another on the feed.

It was a little odd.

Following in the time travel vein, it seems Arnold just wrapped his part in the new Terminator film. The new Terminator film that’s kind of sort of rebooting the franchise to set up a new trilogy. Which they can, technically do. Because time travel. I have my doubts it’ll really be worth it. The movies have been really down hill since Terminator 2 with the all too brief bright spot of the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV show being the only thing that really illustrated any actual skill or talent in using the concepts properly.

But, hey, here’s hoping I’m wrong. I do kind of dig the whole Terminator timeline, definitely one of my favorite post-apocalyptic futures.

And speaking of the apocalypse, yeah, there are two people with Ebola in the U.S. Unlike some loud people out there, I’m not particularly worried. Since, y’know, we brought them here on purpose so we can better understand this new strain of the disease. That means they’re being taken care of in facility that’s made to deal with containment and safety. Unlike where these two infected medical professionals picked up their infection. If the treatment they’re experimenting with and the data that they collect works/helps, then maybe we’ll be able to do something about that big breakout in Africa that’s a real thing to worry about.

I have no witty transition for the MacGuffin angle other than to say that a proper cure for something like Ebola wouldn’t make a good one. MacGuffins are, by their very nature amorphous and, ultimately, impotent or inert in and of themselves. Any power they have is distinctly bestowed up them by the people who, for whatever reason, will do anything to get their hands on them (or, in some cases, destroy them). That’s why I was particularly cheesed off by the article in the feed that bitched and moaned about all the MacGuffins being used by Marvel in their Cinematic Universe.

That critic obviously wasn’t paying any attention. Every object that’s come up in a Marvel movie–be it the tesseract/cube from Captain America and the Avengers or the orb/stone from Guardians of the Galaxy or the… goo… from the second Thor movie–has distinct intrinsic power that, in the wrong hands, is shown to be exceptionally dangerous.

That’s not a MacGuffin. That’s not a mere plot device. That’s a full-on plot point. A key thing that, aside from just driving the movie it’s in is also driving the overall meta-plot that spans the multiple movies. Those are genuinely (in the context of the films’ universe) important things.

Not just things with assumed importance.

Like film critics.

Anyway, read it for yourself in the feed…

Reboots, Rumors, Religion, and a Kick Ass Waterslide

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Aside from the ongoing discussions about Guardians of the Galaxy, the story today that most caught my attention was a kind of scathing take-down of the currently popular “Prosperity Gospel” movement.

From what I can see, there’s nothing “Gospel” related in the prosperity gospel. In fact, it seems like it pretty clearly goes against just about everything that appears in the Gospels. I’m even hard pressed to see how they could possibly spin any interpretation of their basic call to action from anything I’ve ever read in the Gospel (and, being raised Catholic, I have some background knowledge on that).

As a friend of mine pointed out, the big thing that really gets me about this is this movement is setting people up to fail and, when they fail, they’ve not only lost their money and likely their hope (if not a bunch of social standing), they’ve also lost Faith.

Faith can be a really important thing.

It can give us something to hold on to during rough seas.

It can provide us with context to express the joy we find.

It can lift us up so we can reach levels we wouldn’t otherwise think possible.

Poison that by attaching it so heavily to the material world and the implicit message that if you don’t succeed, it’s because God hates you… and you negate all the good faith can do and leave only the worst parts.

It can teach you to hold a grudge.

It can spur you to vile acts (since you’re unredeemable, anyway).

It can hold you back as you endless seek the approval and forgiveness that’s just not going to come.

Faith is always a double-edged sword. All the prosperity gospel seems to do is hand the sharpened end to those who follow it. Most will get cut, some will be gravely wounded. Those that manage to get past the blade and grab the handle will then be fully conditioned to swing that sword to cut down others they see as easy marks–and ways of increasing their own material wealth.

Some things don’t particularly belong to the temporal world. Faith is one of those things. In fact, I’d go as far to say that it works best as disconnected from the physical world as possible–existing in a very personal space or mind and emotion that only tangentially nudges things in the “real” world.

It’s definitely not something that should be confuse the metaphorical gold of the purified soul with the all-too-real gold changing hands at the money lenders’ tables. Setting up in a sacred space didn’t go to well for those money lenders…

Anyway… here’s the feed…


Politics, SciFi, Comics, Comedy, and, well, Pretty Much a Little of Everything

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

I’ve really got get back on track to do posts on Fridays… or any of the times over the weekend that I think “Gee, I should probably post something to my actual blog…”

Because by the time Monday night rolls around, I’m usually doing so many other things that I put this off until the last minute and then find myself at a loss for something even vaguely meaningful to yammer on about. (Which is likely why I don’t do videos.)

Instead, as usual, I’ll just say there’s a lot that went into the feed since Friday morning. Some of it sparked some really good discussions, some of it is just really awesome in and of itself, and some of it has likely gone completely unseen–so you could be the first to discover it! (Or, uh, something like that.)

Anyway… here’s the feed…

Sounds of Space, Questionable Business, Questionable Politics, and Some Movie Stuff

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

With Comic Con passed, there are a lot of movie announcements floating around out there now.

Sequels, reboots, spin offs, and even some original properties that all sound really interesting.

The problem, of course, is that most of them are a year or more away.

I remember the “good old days” when you wouldn’t hear about a movie being made until maybe a few months before it came out. Rarely was something even rumored (let alone hyped) for two years (and, these days, sometimes two years before filming even begins).

The publicity machine is kind of insane.

And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve checked the upcoming releases list and thought, “Wait… didn’t that already come out, like, a year ago?” Nope. I’ve just been hearing about it for so long that it seemed like it had already been here and gone.

That strikes me as a little counter-productive.

But it’s not just movies that do it.

We’ve seen that kind of creep in politics, too.

Now, almost as soon as a Presidential election is over, the “news” outlets start speculating on who’ll be running in the next one–even before the President-elect takes his oath of office. And then the actual race for any given position more or less starts two years before the actual vote will take place.

That’s two years where politicians are doing more campaigning and image building than actual thoughtful governing. (Though these days, I wonder if they ever spend any time doing that.)

Then there’s also the inevitable “Christmas Creep”… where those trees show up earlier and earlier in the stores every year. Last year I saw stuff in regular stores (not craft stores, I understand them getting stuff out there early–people need time to actually make stuff) in early September.

And, back at the beginning of July, everyone was already talking about Back to School shopping. School just got out in mid-June. Has summer break been reduced down to roughly two weeks?

Why are we always pushing so hard to speed up the recognition of these things? Why can’t we enjoy not knowing what’s on the movie schedule two years from now? Why do we have to start pushing Christmas before October even begins? Why can’t we let politicians do something other than just plan their next campaign? And, perhaps most importantly, why can’t our kids get more time to just be kids during a lazy summer?

I don’t know. But I do know I haven’t much cared for that compression and acceleration for a long time now. I think it’s part of a larger problem and the root of a good number of troublesome things…

Anyway, here’s the feed…