Different Goals, Different Tactics

When I set out to do this 100 day challenge of producing a vlog a day, the only real goal was to create.

Once upon a time, I had intentions of doing a lot more with both blogs and vlogs. While ramping up for that (aborted) plan, I did a lot of reading and research about how to make those things actually work. And by “work” I mean “make enough money to live off of.”

There are a lot of sometimes conflicting bits of advice out there when it comes to such things. Three or four entire industries focus on different aspects of the problem of profitability. Some eschew the idea of profitability completely and tell you to look elsewhere to make a living (they’re generally wrong… and trying to sell you something else).

Vlogging and blogging are key tools in today’s marketplace. Video content (of all types) is a huge asset to any company or campaign. Heck, television has been big business for well over two generations now… if that doesn’t speak to the power (and profitability) of video content, I don’t know what would. (Maybe the YouTubers pulling in six figures in advertising share?)

I’m not marketing this vlog. It’s nowhere near polished or focused enough to warrant the effort that would need to go into making it an earner in any way.

But if you want the only advice that matters for making something successful, here it is:

  1. Create Awesome Stuff
  2. Talk about the Awesome Stuff you’ve created
  3. Keep other people talking about your Awesome Stuff

It is that simple.

Not that any of that is easy, mind you… but it is that simple.

So, regardless of what you want out of it the first step is always creating something. It likely won’t be awesome at first. That’s okay. Just get used to it. Get into the habit of doing something. Then make it awesome.

And then, eventually, you can maybe make a living doing it.

If that’s what you want.

Listen to me ramble on about such things in today’s vlog.

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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It Was a Busy Weekend, Full of Stuff and Work

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

The past week or so at the day job has been ridiculous. Huge deadlines on a huge project that’s really too huge for the timeline it was scheduled for.

Of course, it does look like we’ll be close enough.

It also looks like it’s driving me utterly mad with stress.

So, the feed is a bit… odd. Because that’s how my brain is working (when my brain is working).

I’ll let you see for yourself.

Here’s the feed…

Inside an Abusive Relationship, Questionable Traffic Laws, Captain Planet Gone Mad, and a Couple of Lighter Stories

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Wow… not a lot in the feed today, but of what there is a lot of it is pretty heavy.

Guess I’m making up for all that fluff the past week or so.

The most important story is an inside look at an abusive relationship. If nothing else, it should remind us all that how our minds work on the outside of such a situation isn’t at all the same as what’s going through the head of someone in the middle of the situation. We don’t have the wild emotional connection to the events, our internal defenses aren’t firing to try to compensate for the utter dissonance between what we experience and what we want–let alone everything in between.

It’s a bit rough to read, especially if you or someone you know has been in the thick of it.

There’s also an article about how D.C.’s traffic and parking laws–and how they’re enforced–appear to be much more driven by profit motive than public safety concerns. For those of us in the D.C. area who’ve ever had to drive–let alone park–in D.C., this is no surprise at all.

On an entertaining, though no less dark, side there’s the Captain Planet shorts that Funny or Die got Don Cheadle involved in a few years back. They answer the question: What if Captain Planet Was a Power Mad Super Bastard?

And, man, do they answer it well!

There’s also the Duck Tales opening done with real ducks. That should brighten things up a little… unless you’ve got at hing about ducks… in which case I really can’t help you (and I’m oh so sorry for that video of the hundreds of ducks walking down the road yesterday…)

Here’s the feed…

Celebrity Death and Dying, A Metal Morning, Throwback Thursday, and Some Bad News for Freedom

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Bunches of things in the feed.

A fantastic little article about Betty White and how she dyes.

The sad news that Joan Rivers won’t be dying any more… or getting any more plastic surgery… or telling any more snarky jokes.

I was in a totally metal mood this morning, so there’s a selection of tunes to rock out to. Some are more metal than others.

Some memories of making a movie and the celebration of my grandparents’ anniversary fill in the “Throwback Thursday” meme spot in today’s feed.

And then there’s the news out of New York State about how free speech is being beaten on with some campaign “reforms” that have been put in place temporarily (unless people fight to get them repealed before the end of this month… because then they become permanent… which strikes me as kind of a dirty trick). That’s not a good thing at all.

We’ve got a new War on Terror starting up as both the President and VP have said we’re going to go after this ISIS group like nobody’s business now that they’ve beheaded two reporters. Can’t say I’m happy about any of that.

And, finally, there’s the competition-killing laws that are on the books in 20 states (with more on the way) that forbid municipalities from creating public broadband networks. We all know I’m of the opinion that Internet connectivity should be treated like a public utility… so, obviously, I’ve got issues with this revelation. (Though it’s not a surprise… I’ve been following the cable business for nearly two decades now, on and off… they’ve done–and will likely do–worse.)

Anyway, here’s the full feed. I should’ve been asleep an hour ago…

Some Classics, Russia on the Move, Angry Game Trolls, Hello Kitty, and a Very Happy Porcupine

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

So I’m slowly coming out of my avoidance pattern for real news. It’s just been too much that’s too bad lately

In the time I have been actively avoiding some news, it seems that things have continued to be absolutely insane out there.

There are Russian troops fighting on Ukrainian soil, against Ukrainians. That’s potentially a very bad thing. Especially since Russia just keeps saying “Oops! Didn’t notice we crossed the border there.. sorry, we were just looking for a bathroom or something…”

Closer to home, threats of violence against her and her family from angry gaming trolls have (again) disrupted the life of a noted critic of sexism in video games and other entertainment. Yep, the best way to prove that you’re misogynist dicks is to totally behave like misogynist dicks.

But, there’s also a super happy porcupine… and some Marx Brothers… so, check that out, too.

Anyway, my brain’s about to shut down for the night.

Here’s the feed…