Celebrity Death and Dying, A Metal Morning, Throwback Thursday, and Some Bad News for Freedom

This entry is part 92 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Bunches of things in the feed.

A fantastic little article about Betty White and how she dyes.

The sad news that Joan Rivers won’t be dying any more… or getting any more plastic surgery… or telling any more snarky jokes.

I was in a totally metal mood this morning, so there’s a selection of tunes to rock out to. Some are more metal than others.

Some memories of making a movie and the celebration of my grandparents’ anniversary fill in the “Throwback Thursday” meme spot in today’s feed.

And then there’s the news out of New York State about how free speech is being beaten on with some campaign “reforms” that have been put in place temporarily (unless people fight to get them repealed before the end of this month… because then they become permanent… which strikes me as kind of a dirty trick). That’s not a good thing at all.

We’ve got a new War on Terror starting up as both the President and VP have said we’re going to go after this ISIS group like nobody’s business now that they’ve beheaded two reporters. Can’t say I’m happy about any of that.

And, finally, there’s the competition-killing laws that are on the books in 20 states (with more on the way) that forbid municipalities from creating public broadband networks. We all know I’m of the opinion that Internet connectivity should be treated like a public utility… so, obviously, I’ve got issues with this revelation. (Though it’s not a surprise… I’ve been following the cable business for nearly two decades now, on and off… they’ve done–and will likely do–worse.)

Anyway, here’s the full feed. I should’ve been asleep an hour ago…

Food, Flood, Flash, Multicolored Things, Zodiac, Twin Peaks, and the Future of the Internet

This entry is part 28 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Well, it seems like the FCC has decided it’s just going to go ahead and ignore what more knowledgeable people seem to be crying out for. Their decision today seems to lean in favor of letting companies like Comcast charge whatever they want to whoever they want on both sides of the bandwidth transaction.

Net Neutrality, at least in any meaningful way, seems to be on its last legs, if not already dead.

If the Commission had decided to at least postpone their ruling, there would’ve been more hope.

This makes me think that there’s no way they’ll bother to stand in the way of the proposed Comcast/Time Warner merger (which will give Comcast near full, unfettered control of far more than 1/3 of U.S. Internet users).

I expect there will be much analysis of this in tomorrow’s feed. So, more then.

Time Travel Edition: Fashion of the Future! Classic Rock Recreated! Colbert Changes Time Slots! Super Hero Workout Secrets!

This entry is part 4 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Okay, so none of it is real time travel… but a lot of it is kind of a blast from the past. Also of note is that Jem and the Holograms article which really nails why that show (and a lot of 80s cartoons) kind of rock and that brilliant cupcake recipe that came up near the end of the day.

The big thing, though, is the news about that Heartbleed situation that’s likely to have some every growing impacts across the online world. Basically, there was a flaw in the security layer that is supposed to protect a lot of stuff online. It’s been open for a while and a lot of big deal places are just patching it now. This is one of those times when everyone needs to change all of their passwords (because we all know most of us don’t do that regularly like we’re supposed to).