The Blackest Burger, The Sun is Trying to Kill Us, Congress Sells Out, and Remembering 9-11

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Today was a very long day at work.

There are another couple of days like that looming in the near future.

It really didn’t help that there was a lot more on my mind today than work.

I would have rather spent the day reading about politics and how Congress just dropped the ball on real campaign finance reform.

I would have rather had the time to really read and listen to all the personal stories of how lives changed 13 years ago.

I would have much rather gotten a nap at some point.

But, that’s not what was.

So, instead, I read a couple of articles, watched a couple of videos, and did the minimum non-work stuff needed to keep from going absolutely batty today.

Pretty much all of that is in the feed.

So, here you go.

Epic Rap Battles, Culture War, Yet More Problematic Politics, Some Interesting Decor, and the Requisite Number of Cat Posts

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

My sleeping and eating schedule this weekend was even more off from what most would consider “typical” than normal.

But, that’s what I get for going out to an 80s mega dance party on Friday, partying with rock stars on Saturday, and spending most of Sunday recovering and trying (failing!) to get back on a more useful schedule.

I really don’t know how you people who drink do it.

Lots going on in the news today… and some other interesting and problematic revelations over the weekend. It’s all in today’s feed (which stretches back to Friday).