Tesla Awesomeness, Classic American Musicals, Good Superhero News, and Homestar

I was moderately successful in the music theme I wanted to have going today. I didn’t get to quite as many posts about it as I’d wanted, but that was mostly due to not having time to hunt through my feed for more interesting stuff to put between the clips.

I’d sure like to know what’s generating all the heat in this apartment. It’s near 80 degrees in here… it’s in the mid-60s outside… and the A/C (which was on because it was raining outside, which kind of precludes leaving the windows open) can’t even keep up. The oven’s off. Everything else generates negligible amounts of heat (definitely not enough to warm up the room this much–it wasn’t happening in the fall or winter).

Pretty sure that leaves the HVAC unit itself as what’s generating more heat than it can handle.

That’s just… problematic.

Guess I’ll have to put in a call about that sometime soon. Maybe next week when the summer weather plays hide-and-seek with us.

Anyway, there’s a bunch of music in the feed… go enjoy it.

Birdman, Open Source Cars, Facts of Life, Fashion WTF, an Awesome Ghostrider, and Bunches of History

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Was just on a trip down memory lane with a friend I met long ago in a hotel.

She’s one of the handful of people I’m still in touch with that I met during Key Club conventions in high school. Those weekend-long conventions were some of the best times I ever had in high school. Definitely some of the few times I was really able to start figuring out who I really was back then.

Only a handful or so of those meetings turned into friendships. A few of them faded over the years… but some, despite some periods of prolonged silence, have held strong and show no signs of really fading.

In fact, because of things like Facebook, I’m interacting with these scattered kindred spirits more now than I have… ever.

This is why I dig the Internet so much.

It makes stuff like this possible.

That’s why I so badly want everyone to have it… and for it to remain as open and wild as it is right now.

Anyway, here’s the other highlights from today’s feed… mostly news that I wouldn’t have heard otherwise for days, if ever. (Another point for the Internet!)