Apocalypse! Espionage! Vikings! Death! And Elephants in a Pool.

This entry is part 90 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Some active discussions going on in the stream today (and in a previous post or two).

There’s an extended discussion of changing names when you get married. That got a little unexpectedly heated. Sometimes traditions are held to tightly and any erosion of them–sensible or not–makes people a little uncomfortable.

A very interesting chat about the police in Furguson, MO, getting cameras to wear while on duty also took place. On the surface it seems like an awesomely good thing. (And a thing that I think is, in general, a good thing.) There are questions of data retention… and access to that data. There’s also, I believe, a real necessity to take a serious and deep look at our laws as a whole. So everyone involved can have a better understanding of what’s what and, maybe, we can simplify things a little. That all happened in a post from yesterday (so don’t look for it in today’s feed).

Impending doom always brings out some fun. Well, articles about impending doom do, at least. Today’s feed was no different. An article calling back to a book published over 40 years ago that predicts societal collapse before we hit 2100 (2070, give or take, actually). It’s an interesting set of graphs, but the predictions haven’t been perfect… and seem to be skewing south of what reality is actually doing in some cases. Still… interesting stuff to think on.

So, yeah, bunches of interesting things. And then more to keep you entertained and, maybe, counteract all the death and destruction.

Here’s the feed…

A Long Weekend’s Worth of Stuff

This entry is part 89 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

This past weekend, a whole lot of people I know were down in Atlanta for DragonCon. It’s an eventĀ I’ve been numerous times before and is always an amazing adventure.

I haven’t been there in four years now.

Finances and schedules have kept me from being able to make it back.

This year a bunch of people I know went for the first time.

I’m amazingly sad that I couldn’t be part of that.

Bringing new people along was always a huge joy. Watching them acclimate to the distinct atmosphere of a major gathering of nerds, geeks, freaks, and general fandom weirdness rekindles all sorts of memories and feelings of my own first time.

A lot of other people I know were off on other holiday-weekend-related adventures. End of summer trips, weddings, that one last excursion to the beach, the renaissance fair. I don’t really have a vacation. I have a day off I don’t get paid for. I haven’t had a real vacation… since DragonCon 2010.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to say differently some time before the next decade is over.


Until then, I just keep pushing onward.

Since that’s the most sensible thing to do.

Lots of feed items spanning a wide variety of entertainment and interest. (Not quite as wide as, say DragonCon, but still a nice collection of stuff, if I do say so myself.)

Here’s the feed.