Not Good Advice, Not Nazis, Not the Inside of a Building, Not Cool, Not Ishtar, Not Catholic, Not Earth

This entry is part 9 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

There’s a lot of misinformation that floats around online. Today there were two big bits that just needed something said.

The first was that ridiculous “Ishtar is pronounced Easter” image meme making the rounds. It misrepresents pretty much everything about Ishtar and Easter. I let it slide the first couple of times I saw it… but by the fourth or fifth I just had to start telling people it was utterly incorrect. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one who was totally annoyed by it, so there was already a nice vitriolic article with the proper information to link to.

The second bit was a much bigger deal. The initial reports had Ukraine requiring Jews to register with the government. That, of course, never goes well and is totally not cool. It’s also a bit out of character for any actual country (especially one that’s recently had the eyes of the world on it) to do in this day and age… so it smelled a little fishy to me and I held off indignantly posting about it. Soon enough, in another thread, another friend of mine who is much more knowledgeable about the goings on in Russia and Ukraine chimed in, mentioning that the people passing out the notices of the required registration were being called terrorists by the Russian and Ukrainian media… pretty much cementing that it’s definitely not a government program. Then an article turned up laying all that out.

There was a third bit that I hoped was some sort of hoax, but, after some quick checking, it turned out that, no, a school did, indeed, distribute some of the absolute worst, most harmful, and utterly idiotic guidelines for how its 5th grade students should deal with bullies. It included “Don’t tell anyone about it,” and a bunch of other stuff that came down to “If it keeps happening, it’s obviously your fault.” Totally not cool. Thankfully, there’s an appropriate level of outrage about this.

Old Shows Kind of Back Again, NSA Doing Questionable Things, Ghosts (Maybe), Batman, and Jesus’ Wife (Also Maybe)

This entry is part 5 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

One of my absolute favorite iterations of Batman was the 90s cartoon version produced by Bruce Timm and voiced by Kevin Conroy. It managed to capture both the dark and light sides of Batman in stories that were well written, entertaining, and drawn with such an amazing, unique style that nothing has really ever come close since. Batman turns 75 this year and Timm and company put out one short (hopefully one of many) to celebrate. The fact that it’s done in the style of an old movie serial episode is just brilliant.

Speaking of blasts from the past, the other really neat news bit today was about a tiny bit of papyrus with some Coptic writing on it. It refers, in the fragment that’s readable, to the wide of Jesus Christ and has, apparently, been certified to at least be really old. What kind of weight the announcement carries kind of depends on how you feel about such things. A lot of scholars out there have no problem with the idea of Jesus having a wife. Some other people, though, get a bit… bent out of shape… at the suggestion. Personally, I just find it interesting.

Finally, there was mention in one story in my feed of one of my absolute favorite classic parapsychological experiments: The Phillip Experiment. Wherein a group of experimenters wondered if they could conjure a completely made up spirit. In short, they kind of did. What did it prove? Well, that’s a bit up for grabs. They weren’t even sure exactly how it worked… just that it did. It’s that bit of ambiguity that really makes me want to try to repeat their experiment. Someday…