Today’s prompt is far too easy. So easy, in fact, that I’ve already done it in numerous previous updates. This should be a reminder that most of these lists that go around are made by people much younger than me.…
That Was a Long Time Ago…
If you’ve been paying attention here, you know that I tend to keep music around in my life for a long time. The list gets added to slowly… and sporadically. There’s no smooth curve of “new stuff” and definitely no…
That one? Again? Turn it up!
If you read the first post in this whole series, you know that I really don’t consider myself a “music person.” As such, I really don’t listen to music a lot. I can go weeks without hearing more than just…
I’m Not Crying, Must be Onions Somewhere
Look, I’m not saying that you’re definitely not human if there isn’t at least one song that makes you cry. I’m just saying that if there isn’t, you may be an android impostor or heartless alien replacement pod person. Much like there are…
Turn That Frown Upside Down
Music triggers memories and emotions. Some are near universal in the emotion department. Not always–personal experience can make the happiest song something that brings tears, and something oh-so-maudlin trigger giggles. Sometimes the joy is in sharing the song with others.…