Yep, pretty clear that if I want to quickly crank things out, the key is to do reviews or other things like this. Rattled it off pretty quickly, not a lot of editing needed, and it’s a current topic. Some…
Minority Report in Review
It’s the new TV season so I have my pick of shows to talk about. So I’m going to. These are comparatively quick and easy vlogs to crank out. Plus, I can also roll them over to ToobTalk (assuming I…
Trapped by the TV!
In an odd turn of events, it took me almost as long to create the title card graphic as it did to edit the video today. (Proving once again that I’m really not a graphic designer… or, at least, not…
Equipment Check!
Okay, really late again… but it wasn’t because of editing this time. I swear! I actually took two hours to watch the premiere of the long-awaited continuation of the Heroes TV series, Heroes Reborn. I forgot how annoying it was to watch…
The Long and Winding Road
Yikes. Did not get any quicker on the edit tonight. Considerably slower, in fact. Part of that was due to trying to take a shortcut without actually understanding what the program was doing. Yeah… won’t do that again. Part of…