Artifacts of days gone by…


Yeah, that’s a bunch of more than ten year old, 8 hour, VHS tapes. And they’re all full of random TV show episodes from about 1998.

I was toying with the idea of converting them into a digital format to check out the old commercials and whatnot, but after watching stuff yesterday from another tape, I don’t think it’s worth it at all.

Of course, there are still some tapes from the two and a half large boxes I have that will get converted. Some of the stuff on them is irreplaceable. 🙂

Finally looking a little like winter


The afternoon view from my apartment in Silver Spring.

I’m running late because I couldn’t show up like this…


Now, if I’d been going straight to the goth club and didn’t want to hit the gallery opening… well… 😉

New Books For Me


It’s okay, they were bought with a gift certificate. 🙂

Should be good reading all around.