Bunches of things in the feed. A fantastic little article about Betty White and how she dyes. The sad news that Joan Rivers won’t be dying any more… or getting any more plastic surgery… or telling any more snarky jokes.…
Old Favorites Resurfacing, Purposeful Work, Music, and a Very Chill Sloth
Busy and stressful day (which ones aren’t, right?) so the bulk of the feed is just kind of distraction and nostalgia. Good news is, some of that nostalgia is for creators that are putting out new work for the first…
Some Classics, Russia on the Move, Angry Game Trolls, Hello Kitty, and a Very Happy Porcupine
So I’m slowly coming out of my avoidance pattern for real news. It’s just been too much that’s too bad lately In the time I have been actively avoiding some news, it seems that things have continued to be absolutely…