Once upon a time, I swear I didn’t have to walk through a Christmas village to make it to Halloween Town.
This year, I think I saw Christmas stuff out in September.
Just the other day, I went to do some Halloween shopping, kind of last minute (but it wasn’t my first trip) and the local K-Mart had their full set of Christmas regalia out–right between the rest of the store… and the (small few shelves) Halloween stuff.
Seriously? Seriously.
I don’t mid it as a plot to a (now classic) multi-holiday film (though it has been definitely pinned down to being a Halloween film), but in real life? Hate it.
This is an ongoing frustration for me, being a much bigger fan of Halloween than I am of Christmas. I know a lot of people who have the same problem.
How about you? What’s the most egregious case of “Holiday Creep” that you’ve seen? Why don’t you like it? (And where do you do your Halloween shopping?)
List to me rant on this for a little bit in today’s vlog.
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