Holiday Creep
Once upon a time, I swear I didn't have to walk through a Christmas village to make it to Halloween Town. This year, I think I saw Christmas stuff out in September. Just the other day, I went to do some Halloween shopping, kind of last minute (but it wasn't my first trip) and the local K-Mart had their full set of Christmas regalia out--right between the rest of the store... and the (small few shelves) Halloween stuff. Seriously? Seriously. I don't mid it as a plot to a (now classic) multi-holiday film (though it has been definitely pinned down to being a Halloween film), but in real life? Hate it. This is an ongoing frustration for me, being a much bigger fan of Halloween than I am of Christmas. I know a lot of people who have the same problem. How about you? What's the most egregious case of "Holiday Creep" that you've seen? Why don't you like it? … Continue reading →