I still want to hear more of your stories of ghostly (and other odd) encounters. Yesterday, I talked a bit about different types of ghosts and that lead to the question: Why, if ghosts are dead people, aren’t there a…
Types of Ghosts
Have you ever seen a ghost? What kind of ghost was it? What? You didn’t know there were different types of ghosts? In today’s vlog I ramble on about three different types. Nothing quite as detailed or varied as good…
A Fascination With the Afterlife
First: Still want to hear your stories of strange experiences. Next: This vlog was a bit of a mess. I’m not feeling on top of my game today and this is a huge topic that’s really kind of important to…
Those First Weird Books
Now we’re up to the point where I really want all of you to join in. In today’s vlog, I talk about a bunch of the weird books that provided me with the framework for my explorations of the strange…
Unboxing Blood Rage
So many games with miniatures coming my way… this is the first one: Blood Rage. Of course, you don’t get a good look at most of the minis… I’d need a completely different setup for that. And they’re probably best…