As I mentioned last time, I try to do something in the last 100 days of a year. This time around, it’s nothing terribly specific, more a mundane determination to just get some lingering things done than any grand plans.…
Like Sands Through the Hourglass…
Today makes the beginning of the last 100 days of the year. In the past, I’ve done, or tried to do, something special for the last 100 days. A couple of years ago, I kicked off a vlog a day.…
Not Unlike Everything Else I’ve Mentioned
I’m realizing as I go on and try to put songs to the prompts from this list that it’s likely I’m well outside the typical “target market” for this extended meme. Not just because of my “advanced” age (in Internet…
No, Not the Original… The Better One
Some songs get covered by a whole lot of people. Very often, they don’t hold a candle to the original. Sometimes, the people who praise them aren’t aware there was an original. Sometimes I wonder if the bands doing the covers…
This’ll Never Get Used
Most music for me is distinct soundtrack fodder. I tend to take a narrative view of life, and that lends itself well to movie-like metaphors. Things happen in scenes and sequences. There’s a thread that connects things (whether there actually…