Tag: nexthundreddays

  • Heart Goes A Long Way

    Heart Goes A Long Way



    I watch a lot of TV. Always have, probably always will. All of you people who don’t watch TV? I’ve got you covered, don’t worry. I used to be a huge fan of sitcoms. Going all the way back to Ozzie and Harriett. I grew up on the classics and basked in the glory that was…

  • Made it to Ten! Now on to the Weird Stuff.

    Made it to Ten! Now on to the Weird Stuff.



    So… we’re one tenth of the way into this project. I’ve learned a bit about Premiere Pro and how much time it actually takes to produce a ten minute video. (Man, those processing times are killer.) It’s also October… which means we’re well on our way to Halloween. It’s the season for strange and unusual things.…

  • Thoughts on Quantico

    Thoughts on Quantico



    This is a show I wasn’t expecting much from. In some ways, I wasn’t surprised… but it didn’t leave me without hope. Yes, it’s another review of a new TV show. There will be a few more of these and then they’ll trail off a bit once the new season is all up and running.…

  • Heroes: Then and Now

    Heroes: Then and Now



    Diving back into an old favorite setting is always interesting. I was a big fan of the original Heroes show when it aired. So much that I stuck with it through the seriously problematic second season and the two uneven seasons that followed that. There were a lot of missed opportunities and missteps. But that…

  • Comics in a Box Every Month

    Comics in a Box Every Month



    A couple of weeks ago, I subscribed to the Comic Bento service. They’re kind of like Loot Crate and a number of other services that ship out a box full of stuff to their subscribers once a month. In this case, as you may have guessed from the name, it’s comic books. I picked Comic…