Tag: movies
Bits of Nostalgia and Nature, Some World News, and a Really Big Wombat
Full day at the office followed by a full evening of more work on a freelance project I had hoped would be much further ahead than it is now. This whole “burning out” thing happens much more quickly than it did 20 years ago. What’s up with that? Oh, yeah… human… aging… right. Can’t run…
The Doctor, The Terminator, The Panic, and The MacGuffin
The first thing I noted this morning as I scrolled through the first screen or so of my Facebook feed was the plethora of Doctor Who posts. I mean, I have a lot of friends who are fans of the good Doctor, so I regularly see a few posts mentioning him every day. But this…
Sounds of Space, Questionable Business, Questionable Politics, and Some Movie Stuff
With Comic Con passed, there are a lot of movie announcements floating around out there now. Sequels, reboots, spin offs, and even some original properties that all sound really interesting. The problem, of course, is that most of them are a year or more away. I remember the “good old days” when you wouldn’t hear…