Tag: horror films

  • Something to Sink Your Teeth Into

    Something to Sink Your Teeth Into



    Another popular monster archetype today. Vampires have been a staple of horror for a really long time. They have changed more than a little in that time, though. I don’t even cover half of those changes, but I do look a bit at what those classic bloodsuckers mean right now. Well, what they mean when…

  • Howlin’ at the Moon

    Howlin’ at the Moon



    Werewolves. That’s what I vlog about today. I kind of dig werewolves. But more the “adventure” style werewolves than the pure horror ones. Why? Because talking dogs are awesome. Okay, that’s not the main reason. (It is a reason, though.) The main reason is because smart werewolves–ones that maintain control and aspects of the person they…

  • Monsters & Meaning

    Monsters & Meaning



    Looking at my calendar for the week (let alone the month!) I’ve got some busy days ahead of me. Thursday I’ll be checking out the opening night of the Spooky Movie Film Fest right down the street at AFI Silver Spring. Then Friday I have to choose between the second night of that and the…

  • Lessons I Learned from Monsters

    Lessons I Learned from Monsters



    I’m a long time horror fan. It’s a genre that’s been really influential in my life… mostly in positive ways. (Contrary to what some people would have you think about horror.) Today I talk a bit about some of the lessons I learned from the classic Universal horror films I grew up on. Sometime down…

  • Politics, SciFi, Comics, Comedy, and, well, Pretty Much a Little of Everything

    Politics, SciFi, Comics, Comedy, and, well, Pretty Much a Little of Everything

    I’ve really got get back on track to do posts on Fridays… or any of the times over the weekend that I think “Gee, I should probably post something to my actual blog…” Because by the time Monday night rolls around, I’m usually doing so many other things that I put this off until the…