Tag: casey kasem
More than a few days worth of stuff (Including science, cats, politics, Fathers Day, and a whole lot of Johnny Cash)
Not much of an intro today. It was a low-key weekend (after the out-way-too-late game night, at least) and a busy Monday. It’s going to be hot and humid the rest of the week. Can’t say I care much for that combination. Hopefully, the A/C unit can handle it. Anyway, on with the catch-up feed…
Birdman, Open Source Cars, Facts of Life, Fashion WTF, an Awesome Ghostrider, and Bunches of History
Was just on a trip down memory lane with a friend I met long ago in a hotel. She’s one of the handful of people I’m still in touch with that I met during Key Club conventions in high school. Those weekend-long conventions were some of the best times I ever had in high school.…
Giger Passes, Giant Critters, Batman, Daredevil, Furry Walls, Cool History, Science, and a few really funny things
Sometime, my mind does really awesome things at night. Like craft amazing worlds and situations that put any movie to shame with their expanse and visual wonders. Last night was not one of those night. Last night the dream that my mind generated was, at best, a B-grade rode trip rock ‘n’ roll farce. Likely…