Tag: 2016 year start

  • MERCS Recon Unboxing

    MERCS Recon Unboxing



    Yep, time for another unboxing. This time around, it’s the first two parts of MERCS Recon from Megacon Games. It’s my first real foray into the MERCS world… I’ve never been big on tabletop war games. But Recon is a little more of a board game. One that uses the same parts as the regular…

  • Throwback! Comic Bento December 2015

    Throwback! Comic Bento December 2015



    Yes, the first vlog of the new year was shot at the end of the last year. I needed some time to do other stuff. Like figure out at least a little what I’m doing differently this time around. (I’ll talk a lot more about that in the next vlog.) But the December Comic Bento…