Tag: 2015 year end
Half Way There!
Yeah, now all of you who grew up in the 80s have a Bon Jovi song stuck in your head. And I’m not at all sorry about that. If you’re reading this, then we’ve both made it to the 50th installment of this vlog thing that I’ve been doing since September. While it may not…
I’m Bad at Vacations
Seriously. I am bad at vacations. Mostly because I haven’t had a whole lot of experience. Not for lack of trying, mind you, but circumstances and (bad) habits have more often than not conspired against them actually happening. Sure, I’ve had a few over the years–a couple of quirky spring break trips in college, one…
Continuing After a Vacation
There are a lot of reboots going on in Hollywood these days. Dipping into old properties is nothing new–just look at how many versions of Dracula and Frankenstein and Hamlet there are–but it would seem like we’re currently in an upswing. A lot of them aren’t that great, just lame grabs at former glory and…
Different Goals, Different Tactics
When I set out to do this 100 day challenge of producing a vlog a day, the only real goal was to create. Once upon a time, I had intentions of doing a lot more with both blogs and vlogs. While ramping up for that (aborted) plan, I did a lot of reading and research…
A Fine Time to be A Fan
It’s been a heck of a week. Out in the world at large there’ve been some pretty nasty things that have gone on. On a more personal level, technology has been conspiring against me and people I know all week… and the weather has been distinctly unseasonable (especially for those of us from the North).…