Still cranking away on bunches of projects. Not a lot of head space for too much commentary (that hasn’t already been spent in the comments to things in the feed over in Facebookland). The week is winding down… but really…
Bits of Nostalgia and Nature, Some World News, and a Really Big Wombat
Full day at the office followed by a full evening of more work on a freelance project I had hoped would be much further ahead than it is now. This whole “burning out” thing happens much more quickly than it…
More of a Mixed Bag
Still kind of ridiculously busy… but I still found myself really digging in to some of the articles in the feed today. Particularly the one about the guy who just kind of ran off to live in the woods for…
Weather, Ice Bucket Muppets, Free Range Kids, More From Furguson, and Some Movies
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge continues to spread (and pull in tons of money and awareness). Now we’re up to Muppets like Cookie Monster and Kermit the Frog participating. I continue to be amused. (And, in some cases, impressed.) There’s…