Vlog on the Run: DC Bloggers and Flat Tire Edition



Time to be a little zen about things as schedules just kind of… vanish.

Had another DC Bloggers meetup today. There are some pretty excited people, which is good, because that makes up for my utter lack of time to actually do anything with the group I’m ostensibly running/managing. Ended up going on a bit longer than expected, so, that’s both good and bad.

Made the jump from Bethesda (where the meeting was) to Wheaton (where the car I’m renting for tonight ended up being). For some reason the car I’d reserved closer to home ended up not available. Which is kind of ironic, since the one I ended up with kind of had a mostly flat tire (and has been missing the cover for the gas tank–not the gas cap, just the hunk of metal that makes it all look pretty and semi-smooth on the outside–for a long time now).

After a quick errand and a drive home that had me correcting for the flat-tire-introduced pull to the right, I’ve had to dig out my air compressor (because I have one, from when I had car that needed its tires refilled daily), get a video shot and uploaded, recharge the phone, and get air in the tire so I can get to the housewarming party tonight in Virginia.

Yeah… I was supposed to be on the road to that now-ish. And there was another errand I was going to run, but opted not to because of the later pickup than expected and the flat tire.

Always an adventure, right?

So, celebrate with me a little in today’s vlog–this is #75! Woot! 🙂

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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