It’s been a heck of a week.
Out in the world at large there’ve been some pretty nasty things that have gone on. On a more personal level, technology has been conspiring against me and people I know all week… and the weather has been distinctly unseasonable (especially for those of us from the North).
But, there have also been some really cool things that have gone on. New trailers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Warcraft that you should really check out. Lots of neat scifi and fantasy things on the horizon.
It’s the kind of week where I’m left in awe of what people–including people I know–create on a regular basis. Things that wouldn’t have been possible just a decade or two ago (let alone when I was a kid).
So, in today’s vlog, I kind of ramble a bit about all of that.
Tomorrow, I dive back into the actual blogging world a little when I finally run the first new meeting of the long-dormant DC Bloggers Meetup group. Going to meet a bunch of new, likely young, and spunky writer-types. Should be fun.
Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).
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