


Well, that took longer than expected… which, conversely, was expected.

Rendering time. Forgot about rendering time.

And I’m way rusty on editing. (Not that I was ever all that good to begin with… still getting the hang of Premiere Pro now that I have it.)

So, nothing at all fancy this time around. After I cut out all the ridiculous pauses and fiddling with the camera and uselessly repeated/mumbled bits it clocked in at just under five minutes. Right on track. (Yay! Something that went smoothly!)

Definitely going to have start doing these a day in advance and/or getting a few lined up when I have a chance over weekends and whatnot. There’s no way I’ll be able to crank one of these out like this if I’ve got things to do after work. (I suppose I could always just go straight from my phone… but I’m going to need to get a lot better about talking to the camera before that’s sensible.)

For your viewing pleasure, here’s the first vlog of at least 100


Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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2 responses to “First!”

  1. Saw the first ‘cast. Image and sound quality were overall good, I’d adjust the microphone a little but to get rid of a faint hiss on the phones. I think that the hat has kind of become iconic, maybe you wear it on the next one. Perhaps you could detail your books or stroes for the next one?

    1. Pretty sure I know what was causing the hiss. Going to try something a little different tomorrow and, if that doesn’t fix it, I’ve got a different mic. First time I’m using this one inside somewhere relatively quiet… only other time I used it was at a wedding. 🙂

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