Well, that took longer than expected... which, conversely, was expected. Rendering time. Forgot about rendering time. And I'm way rusty on editing. (Not that I was ever all that good to begin with... still getting the hang of Premiere Pro now that I have it.) So, nothing at all fancy this time around. After I cut out all the ridiculous pauses and fiddling with the camera and uselessly repeated/mumbled bits it clocked in at just under five minutes. Right on track. (Yay! Something that went smoothly!) Definitely going to have start doing these a day in advance and/or getting a few lined up when I have a chance over weekends and whatnot. There's no way I'll be able to crank one of these out like this if I've got things to do after work. (I suppose I could always just go straight from my phone... but I'm going to need to get a lot better about talking to the … Continue reading →