Tag: ukraine
Some Classics, Russia on the Move, Angry Game Trolls, Hello Kitty, and a Very Happy Porcupine
So I’m slowly coming out of my avoidance pattern for real news. It’s just been too much that’s too bad lately In the time I have been actively avoiding some news, it seems that things have continued to be absolutely insane out there. There are Russian troops fighting on Ukrainian soil, against Ukrainians. That’s potentially…
Heroes (in real life and otherwise), A Bad Way to Kill a Spider, Questionable Editorial Decisions, and Just Plain Bad News
The week continues to be… odd. The rapid oscillation between lull and panic at the day job just kind of left my head spinning. I’d been hoping to make a bit of progress on some other projects, but one just refused to die quietly. I’m sure it will resurface again soon enough… likely right when…
Not Good Advice, Not Nazis, Not the Inside of a Building, Not Cool, Not Ishtar, Not Catholic, Not Earth
There’s a lot of misinformation that floats around online. Today there were two big bits that just needed something said. The first was that ridiculous “Ishtar is pronounced Easter” image meme making the rounds. It misrepresents pretty much everything about Ishtar and Easter. I let it slide the first couple of times I saw it… but…