Tag: religion
Birds, Bionics, reBoots, Balls, Batgirl, and a Bunch of things that don’t start with B
What’s sure to eventually be the big news is that it’s been clearly stated now that the decades worth of stories, characters, and places built up in the Star Wars Extended Universe is not at all cannon. (Oh, but, Lucasfilm says, they’ll happily pillage what they want from it as they’re building their new continuity.)…
Some stuff from the weekend and more
I’m running exceptionally later than planned tonight. In between doing stuff at work during the day and up until about ten minutes before I’m typing this, I’ve been involved, on and off, in two completely awesome discussions over in my FB stream. One’s been about faith, religion, and atheists, the other has been on people…
Guns, Crabs, “That’s not cutting a rug”, Dancing, Homeless Jesus, and SCIENCE!
Today’s stream of stuff, plus a few from over the weekend… the most popular of which was quite the discussion about the Second Amendment. I’m at the computer far later than I’ve been trying to be lately. Mostly because I was at a Silver Spring Citizens’ Advisory Board meeting earlier in the evening. That always…