Tag: congress
The Blackest Burger, The Sun is Trying to Kill Us, Congress Sells Out, and Remembering 9-11
Today was a very long day at work. There are another couple of days like that looming in the near future. It really didn’t help that there was a lot more on my mind today than work. I would have rather spent the day reading about politics and how Congress just dropped the ball on…
Political Progress, Severe SWAT, Riotous Raccoons, Diminutive Dwellings, and Interest Intelligence
In the feed today is a totally adorable video of people feeding a whole passel of raccoons in a parking lot. It’s one of the stupidest things I’ve seen people do on the Internet today. (That’s saying a lot.) I grew up in the woods. I’ve had numerous “close encounters” with raccoons. They’ve all been…