Tag: astronomy
So Many Teeth, Bunches of History, Scifi and Comic News, and Good to Help Balance Out the Bad
Right now, a bunch of people I know are out on the West Coast at San Diego Comic Con. Another few are bouncing around various European countries. Still more are heading off for two weeks of Pennsic War. And, in another month, some mix of those same bunches of people will be heading to Dragon*Con.…
Star Wars Stuff, Perspective on Numerous Levels, Cool Looking Hobbies, and (of course) Politics
I’ve spent far too long reading stuff and watching YouTube videos. Between that and hitting a meeting down in Silver Spring proper after work tonight, my “free time” has all but vanished, leaving me, once again, at the “Oh, crap, I should probably be going to sleep now-ish” point. My “normal” sleep schedule really doesn’t…
Birdman, Open Source Cars, Facts of Life, Fashion WTF, an Awesome Ghostrider, and Bunches of History
Was just on a trip down memory lane with a friend I met long ago in a hotel. She’s one of the handful of people I’m still in touch with that I met during Key Club conventions in high school. Those weekend-long conventions were some of the best times I ever had in high school.…
FCC Overloaded, Rough Road to College, Red Velvet Mites of Love, Genderless, and Slenderman Delusions
One of the strangest bits of news that came through today (amid a crazy work schedule and some really annoying Facebook problems), was the story of two 12-year-old girls who stabbed another 12-year-old “friend” of theirs in an attempted murder. They did it, the article said, to gain the favor of the Slender Man and…