One of the strangest bits of news that came through today (amid a crazy work schedule and some really annoying Facebook problems), was the story of two 12-year-old girls who stabbed another 12-year-old “friend” of theirs in an attempted murder.…
More Than a Weekend’s Worth of Stuff
Missed another Friday of posting the (week)daily feed. Ended up out and about late into the night catching the “best of” showings of the 48 Hour Film Project films. Some very, very impressive things were made in that weekend. (And,…
Community News, Wolverine, a lot of Culture Talk, Some Science, a Little Food, and The Wonder Years Reunion
I was asked in a comment stream today why I post (or, technically, share… since other people have found most of them first) the articles I do, especially about the whole misogynist culture stuff that’s really being talked about a…
History, Science, and Animals
Short list today. I’ve been too busy to really take in as much as I usually do. I’ve never been interested in being a programmer. At least not since the “good old days” of BASIC where I toyed with the…
Sleep, Misogyny, Sun, Movies with and by People I Know, and Kids Today
There’s… a lot going on. Not directly with me, mind you–work is busy and stuff–but in general, with people I know and things that I follow, there’s a lot going on. Just saw a movie tonight made by and full…