Ridiculously busy day, again. And my time at home after has been largely spent watching videos that have come out of E3… so many awesome looking games that I’ll likely never play (and, if I did, likely would get quickly…
Shocking Lightning, Soggy Bears, Militarized Police, Turing Test Fudge, Really Questionable Politics, and an End to Board Cheese
I’m pretty open about the fact that I have a number of issues with the politicians who run the country, supposedly in our name. This has been the case through at least two decades at this point. Today there’s a…
Creative Living, Tone Deaf ‘Comedy’, Brain Science, Net Neutrality Sniping, and Reset the Net
A year ago, a light got directed into a dark corner of our government. How that light got turned on is a bit questionable, but it happened and now there’s no way to deny that our intelligence agencies are more…
Authenticity, Spooked, For the Love of Villains, Poor Decisions Make the News, and Taking Risks
One of the articles today talks about how keeping our kids super safe may actually be doing them more harm than good. It raised the question in the comment thread of just how much has the world changed since I was…