In attempting to keep the “plan” for this vlog thing as minimalist as possible (in order to prevent perfection paralysis on my part), I’m not really putting together an editorial calendar. Sure, once October rolls around, I’ll likely be talking…
Something New for a Hundred Days
Despite outward appearances to the contrary, the last few years really haven’t been all that great. For a while, I’ve been more than a bit lost. Just kind of drifting about, coasting on momentum built up in years past but,…
GWAR, Cooper and Price, Looking Back on Scandal, History, and A Few Other Things
This, so the little numbers tell me, is the 100th entry I’ve made in this particular experimental Facebook Feed series. I was going to say something interesting about it… but it’s been another long day at the office and my…
Music, Free Broadband in KC, and Stuffed Animals
Yeah… very, very busy day today. Likely a very very busy day tomorrow, too. So busy that the feed is really sparse. And, it seems, has ended up being mostly music-related. But there is that bit about Kansas City, MO,…
Unintended Consequences Strike Again, Entertainment Both Classic and New, A Bit of Cute, and a Return to Space
The big news today (for me, at least) was the announcement of the U.S. return to manned space missions. NASA will once again be shooting humans into orbit (with some help form Boeing and SpaceX)! Now, that’s not quite the…