• Well, that took longer than expected… which, conversely, was expected. Rendering time. Forgot about rendering time. And I’m way rusty on editing. (Not that I was ever all that good to begin with… still getting the hang of Premiere Pro…

  • Okay, today’s the day the first vlog entry is going to go live. It’ll be later tonight, after I get home from work and, uh, shoot it. We’ll see how long that kind of schedule lasts before I decide it’s…

  • If I haven’t made it clear enough, I purposefully don’t have a lot of expectations for this 100 Days of Vlogging project. It’s akin to just throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. If anything…

  • As I’ve mentioned, one of the key things I’m trying to overcome with all this is my case of perfection paralysis. It’s something that’s kept me from doing a lot of things, and really slowed me down with a lot…

  • Don’t panic, I’m not actually going to list all 100 (or so). Depending on how well you know me, it may seem a little odd that doing this vlog project is something that’s outside of my comfort zone. Maybe you’ve…

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