Category: Facebook Feed
Star Wars Stuff, Perspective on Numerous Levels, Cool Looking Hobbies, and (of course) Politics
I’ve spent far too long reading stuff and watching YouTube videos. Between that and hitting a meeting down in Silver Spring proper after work tonight, my “free time” has all but vanished, leaving me, once again, at the “Oh, crap, I should probably be going to sleep now-ish” point. My “normal” sleep schedule really doesn’t…
Internet Shenanigans, Poverty, Artful Words, Militarized Police, and the Unauthorized Saved by the Bell
Totally crazy day at the office. No real time for anything other than meetings and nose-to-the-grindstone work. Mostly due to projects falling off schedule… due to people getting us stuff late and technology conspiring against me. Oh, and did I mention that I didn’t even come close to getting to sleep on time last night……
X-Men, Marshmallow Men, Puberty, Fire Phone, Isolation, and the Clown Motel of Your Nightmares
Technically, I’m still in the middle of my last big road trip. See, the plan was, after quitting my job at the newspaper up in rural NY (with nothing else lined up), I was going to cruise down to Atlanta for Dragon Con that year, then continue on down to Florida for a little while,…