Throne Room

State of the Empire, 2019

Doing some digital housekeeping, as is common this time of year…

I own 41 domain names.
2 of them need to be transferred to someone else (eventually).
9 of them are kind of active (they have webspace allocated to them).
2 of them have been updated in the past year with actual content. (Posts back in January of last year saying, more or less, “Really, more stuff coming soon.”)

I’m hosting websites for 7 friends/family.
I haven’t charged for any of them since they were built (because, really, I don’t need to and none of them are a resource drain for my hosting account).

I don’t build websties for people any more on a freelance basis, but I’m always happy to offer advice, suggestions, or review of people’s ideas or potential hires. (I’m more than happy to stop you from wasting money on someone or some service that you’re looking into.)

My day job is building websites. (Note that I’m not a designer–the best I can do normally is make something that’s not eye-bleedingly awful… anything better is pure luck or me implementing someone else’s work.) I burned out on website building nearly a decade ago at this point.

I seriously need to refresh my semi-active sites.

I have numerous other ideas (some even using some of those domain names) that I really should do something with.

Also, hello there new WordPress version. Nice to meet you. I should probably really get familiar with you just on general principal.

Yep. I need more days in the week. Still. 😉


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