A Fascination With the Afterlife



First: Still want to hear your stories of strange experiences.

Next: This vlog was a bit of a mess. I’m not feeling on top of my game today and this is a huge topic that’s really kind of important to the whole paranormal research aspect of what I’m interested in. That time period between the 1840s and 1930s was when dozens of research organizations and secret societies were in their heyday… and a lot of them are still around (in some form) today.

I rambled on, with multiple false starts, and ridiculously long pauses for a whole 20 minutes. Editing took… a while. And, after that, I can think of dozens of ways I’d rather have done this.

In short, I’m really running head on against my perfectionist tendencies and they’re clawing at me something fierce. Of course, I can’t even begin to do much different and still hold to my schedule.

Guess that means there’s stuff to work toward eventually. 🙂

The book I mentioned in the vlog is one written by Peter Aykroyd, that’s Dan Aykroyd’s father. I picked it up a couple of years ago and it’s a really good read. So, if the history of ghosts, spiritualism, and the influences Dan Aykroyd grew up with are things that interest you, definitely check out A History of Ghosts: The True Story of Seances, Mediums, Ghosts, and Ghostbusters. Seems it’s only available for Kindle on Amazon right now.

So, check out the vlog.

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