Something to Sink Your Teeth Into

Another popular monster archetype today. Vampires have been a staple of horror for a really long time. They have changed more than a little in that time, though. I don’t even cover half of those changes, but I do look a bit at what those classic bloodsuckers mean right now.

Well, what they mean when they’re not sparkling and being fawned over by preteens.

After all, we’re talking about horror here, not bad romance.

Running with this one today leaves me in a bit of a bind for tomorrow, seeing as I have no idea when I’ll be back in my apartment. I’ve got an event right after work that usually keeps me entertained until well into the pre-dawn hours of Saturday.

Because of that, you may be getting my first attempt at a phone-shot walk and talk vlog on Friday. One that won’t have a “behind the scenes” component (or a fancy front card) until I get home and write one. We’ll see how that goes. (And we’ll see how busy I end up on Saturday, too… it may be a weekend of ad-hoc video-on-the-go posts.)

Anyway, sink your teeth into today’s bit about vampires.

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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Howlin’ at the Moon

Werewolves. That’s what I vlog about today.

I kind of dig werewolves. But more the “adventure” style werewolves than the pure horror ones.


Because talking dogs are awesome.

Okay, that’s not the main reason. (It is a reason, though.) The main reason is because smart werewolves–ones that maintain control and aspects of the person they were–are fantastic characters. That inner conflict, that mixing of raw animal power and civilization, there are so many different ways that can play out.

Can there still be horror elements in that? Yep. But it’s often a completely different flavor of horror than you get with the human dreading the full moon and trying desperately to “remove the curse” from his life.

Don’t get me wrong, werewolves make great straight up monsters. They’re terribly hard to kill or otherwise dissuade from gnawing on your internal organs, and that’s always good for some “excitement.” But if you put a “good” werewolf against a “bad” werewolf… that’s some darn good conflict right there. Especially if you’ve got humans stuck in the middle of all that. (It’s worked really well for the Teen Wolf TV series. )

I haven’t managed to get too much farther ahead than I was yesterday… so I don’t have much of a safety net going vlog-wise. This is going to make things interesting over the next few days since I have a packed schedule without a lot of video-making time.

But, for now, you can check out my ramblings on werewolves.

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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Monsters & Meaning

Looking at my calendar for the week (let alone the month!) I’ve got some busy days ahead of me. Thursday I’ll be checking out the opening night of the Spooky Movie Film Fest right down the street at AFI Silver Spring.

Then Friday I have to choose between the second night of that and the monthly game night I usually go to–which this month coincides with one of the host’s birthdays. (Plus another event going on down in DC, which I’d probably go to if nothing else was going on…)

So that’s two days where I won’t have time for the normal production schedule here.

Which is why I’m diving into this “Monsters & Meaning” series of things. A little more unprepared than I’d like, but it divides up into easy chunks nicely. I shot the first three and edited one today, so I should be able to edit the other two Wednesday and be covered until the weekend.

Not that I have a lot more time this weekend–at least not if I do everything I want to do–but it’s a small window of breathing room.

Yeah… daily vlogging… not exactly something that’s easy. At least not if you’re doing it like I am, I guess. Maybe it would be easier if I wasn’t so wordy. So very few of these have been five minutes or less (which was the original target).

Ah, well. Check out the first installment of Monsters & Meaning today. The intro and closing will likely be reused for the next few days… or I may decide to reshoot those tomorrow and then reuse those versions.

(Oh! I’ll also be running this series over at Hat From Hell, probably with some more relevant commentary… when I have a chance to write that.)

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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Lessons I Learned from Monsters

I’m a long time horror fan. It’s a genre that’s been really influential in my life… mostly in positive ways. (Contrary to what some people would have you think about horror.)

Today I talk a bit about some of the lessons I learned from the classic Universal horror films I grew up on. Sometime down the road, I’ll probably do a few more like this, touching on some of the other big influences from the horror genre.

Odd things in today’s process:

  • Used a different mic, a lapel one, because there was too much noise coming from various neighbors. Not sure I’m completely digging how it sounds. One of these days, I’ll do some post-production on the audio… maybe…
  • When I went to write this, I discovered all of my websites were down. Apparently my entire hosting account was having some undocumented issue. An issue that resolved itself (after at least 20 minutes of me checking, double-checking, and triple checking things) by the time I got into a tech support chat (only a couple minute wait time). That was annoying.
  • The image of the monsters in the YouTube preview was grabbed some somewhere random online. It’s actually a crop of the cover of the Universal Classic Monsters: The Essential Collection [Blu-ray] (which I own and is awesome).

I didn’t get ahead like it’d planned over the weekend, so I’m, once again, flying by the seat of my pants, day to day. This may be a problem in a couple of days… we’ll see if I can crank out some extra content tomorrow and Wednesday.

For now, though, check out what I have to say about horror films making me a better person.

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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Politics, SciFi, Comics, Comedy, and, well, Pretty Much a Little of Everything

This entry is part 73 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

I’ve really got get back on track to do posts on Fridays… or any of the times over the weekend that I think “Gee, I should probably post something to my actual blog…”

Because by the time Monday night rolls around, I’m usually doing so many other things that I put this off until the last minute and then find myself at a loss for something even vaguely meaningful to yammer on about. (Which is likely why I don’t do videos.)

Instead, as usual, I’ll just say there’s a lot that went into the feed since Friday morning. Some of it sparked some really good discussions, some of it is just really awesome in and of itself, and some of it has likely gone completely unseen–so you could be the first to discover it! (Or, uh, something like that.)

Anyway… here’s the feed…