Star Wars Stuff, Perspective on Numerous Levels, Cool Looking Hobbies, and (of course) Politics

This entry is part 51 of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

I’ve spent far too long reading stuff and watching YouTube videos. Between that and hitting a meeting down in Silver Spring proper after work tonight, my “free time” has all but vanished, leaving me, once again, at the “Oh, crap, I should probably be going to sleep now-ish” point.

My “normal” sleep schedule really doesn’t fit well with the “normal” world. There’s really nothing close to normal about it. It rotates oddly if I’m left to my own devices. And, while I’ve found plenty of documented cases of variously odd natural sleep schedules. documentation doesn’t really help solve the problem of it not at all matching with a typical work schedule. (Let alone when anything else is going on.)

This has been the case for pretty much as long as I can remember.

And it really shows no signs of changing for the better. No matter how much I try to tweak it.

So, here’s the feed from today and the weekend. Enjoy it. I did. 🙂

Being Watched, SHIELD Finale, Amazing Animals, History Underwater, Far Fetched Contingency Plans, and Anticipa…

So, the U.S. military apparently has a plan for dealing with a zombie apocalypse.

On first blush, that’s both disturbing and reassuring.

But if, like me, you know a bit of the history of contingency planning, you know it’s really not that unusual.

There have been numerous times in the history of the U.S. where the government has called upon the best and brightest of the creative types (and sometimes not the best or brightest, but still Hollywood types) to help them come up with things that everyone hopes will never happen. Disaster creation is an interesting thing to be able to put on your resume…. especially if it’s just fictional disasters.

You can pretty much bet if you’ve seen the plot on the big or small screen, someone in some government agency has a dusty stack of protocol documents for how to deal with it. Alien contact? Brookings Institute did that decades ago for the Feds. Alien attack? Someone’s got it. Nuclear holocaust? Done to death during the Cold War. And now zombies.

Makes perfect sense to me.