Series: Today’s Tidbits
Some stuff from the weekend and more
I’m running exceptionally later than planned tonight. In between doing stuff at work during the day and up until about ten minutes before I’m typing this, I’ve been involved, on and off, in two completely awesome discussions over in my FB stream. One’s been about faith, religion, and atheists, the other has been on people…
Dead Rock Stars (If They Weren’t), Sharknado 2 (If You Want To), A New Ax (If You’ve Got Wood), Permatemping (If You’ve Kind of Got a Job), Rockin’ Fire (Just Because), and Other Things (Since There Are)
For a while it was looking like today’s theme was going to be “Gender Stuff”… but then some cool science and some other strange stuff showed up. The “Gender Stuff”, though is really interesting and, for those who don’t soak in the wide variety of gender issues that I do (again, I credit my fantastically…
Nail in the Net Neutrality Coffin, We Can Be Martians, Inside Mummies, American Dream Evaporated, and Pop Nightmares
The big discussion thread today was all about Avril Lavigne’s new video, which was pretty universally panned by my friends (and me). The meat of the discussion, though centered around a minor dust up over what “art” is for and how dedicated one should be to avoiding “fluff” in life. Really fascinating stuff… and a clear…
Political Drift, Questionable Communications Decisions, A Classic Clip, History Online, Seal Snuggles, and Some SciFi Short Goodness
The situation with Cliven Bundy (the man who’s been grazing his cattle illegally for years on federal land) continues to get more surreal. Now that he’s got a speaking stump, all sorts of things are coming out of his mouth that are being made a big deal of. In some cases, like his recent musings…
Birds, Bionics, reBoots, Balls, Batgirl, and a Bunch of things that don’t start with B
What’s sure to eventually be the big news is that it’s been clearly stated now that the decades worth of stories, characters, and places built up in the Star Wars Extended Universe is not at all cannon. (Oh, but, Lucasfilm says, they’ll happily pillage what they want from it as they’re building their new continuity.)…