Christmas History and a Merry Yule

We all know the iconic images of Christmas, both secular and sacred. At it’s roots, it is undeniably a Christian holiday (celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and all).

But, like any good story, there’s a lot of embellishment that’s made its way into the Christmas tales of the birth of a savior.

In fact, the whole December birth (and the adventure that lead to it happening in a manger) is, at best, highly unlikely.

So why does Christmas happen in late December? And what does a decorated pine tree have to do with the baby Jesus?

These are the things that happen when you have a religion that spreads far and wide. It has to adapt to at least some of the culture already in place (or, sometimes more often, is subverted by those who are forced to “convert”)… so as it spreads, it gathers up trappings from other faiths and sets it’s major celebrations on the dates that are already festivals.

In the case of Christmas, the narrative of a savior being born to bring light to the world fits in very well with the Yule celebrations that were already part of numerous other cultures. After all, that’s a celebration of the return of the sun, on the shortest day of the year.

Watch today’s vlog and see what else I have to say about this.

Also, merry/blessed Yule to all the pagans out there. May your days continue to get brighter! 🙂

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Christmas Tunes (Part 3)

More Christmas music!

This time around, we get a mix of themes, including one of the overtly religious songs in the list. Check out part one and part two for the other songs so far.

While these are generally more traditional songs, they are also ones that have inspired some fun interpretations over the years.

I’ve got 25 of these songs to run through, so there will be a few more videos like this before Christmas. (That’ll also give me time to do things like make the drive north to be with my family for Christmas.) There’s something a little different planned for tomorrow, though… so be sure to drop by for that.

For now, though, check out what I have to say about these songs in today’s vlog.

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Christmas Tunes (Part 2)

More Christmas music. These are a little more “grown up” and inherently sentimental (for various reasons) than the first batch. They also come from movies and live action TV specials.

There’s a pretty hefty World War II connection to a lot of Christmas music, whether you realize it or not. It’s those really rough times that tend to drive people to try to find more peace and beauty than usual in the holidays.

Watch today’s vlog to see what I have to say about these particular songs.

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Christmas Tunes (Part 1)

I may not be a music person, but that doesn’t mean that music doesn’t play an important part in parts of my life.

Christmas is definitely one of those parts.

We all know that there’s a ton of Christmas music out there. So what I’m going to do is pull together a list of some of my favorites.

The first batch are some classics that have inspired stuff for TV (or were inspired by stuff from other media)–including those Rankin-Bass shows I talked about the other day.

You can watch me go on about them on today’s vlog

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A Long Time Ago…

There are some movies that, despite having the odds stacked against them, managed to become cultural phenomenons, influencing the lives of millions.

Star Wars was one of those movies.

Before it opened in 1977, no one thought it would be a success. Theaters weren’t interested in it. The studio and George Lucas himself had no real faith it would make a blip on the box office.

Everyone was really wrong about that.

It was the first real blockbuster film. It set off a new trend in scifi entertainment.  It broke box office records and spawned a multi-media empire that nothing compared to.

The original trilogy had a pretty big impact on my life. Now we’ve got a new trilogy starting off. We live in magical times, indeed.

Watch me gush about Star Wars in today’s vlog.

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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