Tag: role playing games
A Whole Lot on Net Neutrality, A View of the End of Civilization, and Some Happier Things
Today was a big day in the fight for Net Neutrality. It was another big push to fill the public comment boxes at the FCC with our very solid desire that the Internet remain open and accessible, regardless of what company gets it to your screen. Cable companies and phone companies (like Comcast and Verizon)…
Another weekend, another bunch of stuff to alleviate stress
Why, yes, you continue to get a proliferation of fluff in the feed. But it’s good fluff! At least I think it is. Creative. Witty. So wrong it’s awesome. It’s the stuff that helps alleviate the stress that my life has been lately. But have no fear! There are also some gems of real content in…
A Weekend’s Worth of Amusement (Offset by Some Real World News)
It’s been a little trying here in the real world. Lots of not-so-great things going on if you pay attention to the news. More not-so-great things going on for some people I give a damn about. ANd my own feelings of utter stagnation really aren’t helping any. So… To The Internet! There’s no shortage of…
Affordable Housing, Role Playing Games, Legal Wranglings, Inspiration, Tragedy, and Everything Since Friday
Yeah, apparently I’m skipping Friday updates more often than not. I should stop that. Actually stick to my own schedule. One of the big topics that ended up being discussed today in the stream was the whole rich/poor divide and the idea of affordable housing… spawned by an article about a new building in NYC…
Epic Rap Battles, Culture War, Yet More Problematic Politics, Some Interesting Decor, and the Requisite Number of Cat Posts
My sleeping and eating schedule this weekend was even more off from what most would consider “typical” than normal. But, that’s what I get for going out to an 80s mega dance party on Friday, partying with rock stars on Saturday, and spending most of Sunday recovering and trying (failing!) to get back on a…