Tag: privacy
History Most Don’t Know, Instances of Future History in the Making, Talented Kids, and other Interesting News
Today’s been another mixed-bag, newsfeed-wise. There’s a lot going on in the world right now and it seems most people don’t even come close to grasping just how much things will change, depending on which way some of it goes. The big one, of course, is the ongoing Net Neutrality fight. But that’s running parallel…
Working a Pole, Hoofin’ It, Haunted Island For Sale, Toxic Interpretation, Our Panopticon, Sacred Nature, and a New Moon
Anyone who knows me, knows I have an affinity for creepy things. Maybe it’s because I grew up on classic horror films. Maybe it’s because I’m just a morbid bastard. The why doesn’t really matter… I’ve often said that I’d pay extra for a haunted house. It’s true. I would. So when I see a…