More of Everything from the Past Few Days

This entry is part [part not set] of 100 in the series Today's Tidbits

Yep. Up too late again, trying to catch up on non-day-job work that I didn’t get to last week (or the week before) because I was so wiped out by the day job work.

Much needed fun over the weekend, but my sleep schedule is still recovering.

Yeah, that’s the excuse I can use for at least one more day.

(We all know that the reality of it is that I’m naturally nocturnal and, left to my own devices, would rarely be up before noon and usually be going to bed around sunrise.)

Ah, well… so much stuff in the feed from the past few days. You’d best just take a scroll through it to see for yourself. (Since this is all going to be quick and haphazard as I should be asleep now… except I crashed out on the couch earlier in the night… which does exactly nothing to “fix” my schedule.)

Here’s the feed…

Bethany’s handling the music


And it’s been a few years since I’ve actually seen her, so this is doubly cool. 🙂



Grill warming up for these tasty looking things… and more. (First party of the night.)