Tag: dancing
More than a few days worth of stuff (Including science, cats, politics, Fathers Day, and a whole lot of Johnny Cash)
Not much of an intro today. It was a low-key weekend (after the out-way-too-late game night, at least) and a busy Monday. It’s going to be hot and humid the rest of the week. Can’t say I care much for that combination. Hopefully, the A/C unit can handle it. Anyway, on with the catch-up feed…
Guns, Crabs, “That’s not cutting a rug”, Dancing, Homeless Jesus, and SCIENCE!
Today’s stream of stuff, plus a few from over the weekend… the most popular of which was quite the discussion about the Second Amendment. I’m at the computer far later than I’ve been trying to be lately. Mostly because I was at a Silver Spring Citizens’ Advisory Board meeting earlier in the evening. That always…