Tag: comics
Star Wars Stuff, Perspective on Numerous Levels, Cool Looking Hobbies, and (of course) Politics
I’ve spent far too long reading stuff and watching YouTube videos. Between that and hitting a meeting down in Silver Spring proper after work tonight, my “free time” has all but vanished, leaving me, once again, at the “Oh, crap, I should probably be going to sleep now-ish” point. My “normal” sleep schedule really doesn’t…
More Than a Weekend’s Worth of Stuff
Missed another Friday of posting the (week)daily feed. Ended up out and about late into the night catching the “best of” showings of the 48 Hour Film Project films. Some very, very impressive things were made in that weekend. (And, hey!, I even know some people who made one of them! You can find that…
Community News, Wolverine, a lot of Culture Talk, Some Science, a Little Food, and The Wonder Years Reunion
I was asked in a comment stream today why I post (or, technically, share… since other people have found most of them first) the articles I do, especially about the whole misogynist culture stuff that’s really being talked about a lot right now. The answer is simple: Awareness needs to grow. I know far too…
Not Good Advice, Not Nazis, Not the Inside of a Building, Not Cool, Not Ishtar, Not Catholic, Not Earth
There’s a lot of misinformation that floats around online. Today there were two big bits that just needed something said. The first was that ridiculous “Ishtar is pronounced Easter” image meme making the rounds. It misrepresents pretty much everything about Ishtar and Easter. I let it slide the first couple of times I saw it… but…