Tag: 2015 year end
Passive vs. Active Consumption
Over the weekend I hit Artomatic, a semi-annual massive group art exhibit that goes on here in the DC area. It was pretty awesome. There was a ton of very impressive art (some of it by people I know). Over the course of the few hours I was there, I had the chance to talk a…
Respect for Life
Sadness. Anger. Fear. All feelings we’re far too familiar with these days. We’re told again and again and again that we should be afraid of everything and everyone. Well, everyone who’s different, at least. They’re out to get us, we’re told. We need to be vigilant and “if you see something, say something.” They’re monsters,…
Consume and Create
It really is like juggling. Trying to keep everything moving without anything hitting the floor and breaking. (Sometimes things bounce… that’s okay… as long as you knew it wasn’t something that would break.) Just got to keep it all flowing. That’s the dance between consuming stuff and creating stuff. Zero sum game, so lots of…
On Being Thankful
Figured I should do something vaguely related to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Of course, I’m keeping to this daily schedule by the skin of my teeth and I have a busy weekend coming up. Meaning, this is one of two videos I cranked out tonight. It’s been a busy week–websites conspiring against me at the…
Gen X: The Media Generation
Ever since I discovered it was “a thing” I’ve been kind of happy to be a member of Generation X. I relate to “our” movies and music pretty well, even if my life doesn’t quite epitomize the Gen X dream. (But, really, who’s does? And what is that dream, anyway?) Once dismissed as “slackers” I think we’ve…