Aside from the sad (but expected) death of Dick Smith, one of the greatest special effects makeup artists of all time, there’s a lot of creative stuff going on in the feed today. Not all of it is what I’d…
Self-Image, Coffee is for Closers, An Economic Last Stand, Whiskey Lies, and Other Things
The big non-shock in the feed today is that every level of Comcast is all about sales. This hot on the heels of an 8+ minute recording of someone trying to cancel their cable service. All that sales, of course,…
Sounds of Space, Questionable Business, Questionable Politics, and Some Movie Stuff
With Comic Con passed, there are a lot of movie announcements floating around out there now. Sequels, reboots, spin offs, and even some original properties that all sound really interesting. The problem, of course, is that most of them are…
So Many Teeth, Bunches of History, Scifi and Comic News, and Good to Help Balance Out the Bad
Right now, a bunch of people I know are out on the West Coast at San Diego Comic Con. Another few are bouncing around various European countries. Still more are heading off for two weeks of Pennsic War. And, in…