The State of the Empire
The last time I did one of these was back in 2011. Back then there was a lot of wild change going on. That wild change got a little out of hand and, well, it really hasn't been worth looking at the state of the good ol' Durosian Empire since then. It's pretty much been in steady decline, despite some flailing attempts at reclaiming some of its former (or, at least, planned) glory. Most of those attempts didn't last more than a post or two on most of my other web properties. That, of course, led, to a lot of digital dust being gathered. (Not that this lack of follow-through stopped me from buying domain names for other ideas I had, mind you...) In short, the last few years really haven't been good ones when it comes to all my pet projects. So we'll skip over the retrospective and focus on what isn't, what is, and what I'm aiming for. Gone … Continue reading →